Multiple Sklerose (MS)
What next for multiple sclerosis? - Treatment options beyond the standard
Conventional medicine offers precisely defined diagnostics and therapy for multiple sclerosis. In my opinion, however, too little diagnostic effort is made to examine and, if necessary, treat the causal environmental damage to the cell, which leads to its demise: Heavy metal pollution, hormonal imbalances, nitrosative and oxidative cell stress, an insufficient cell supply with minerals and trace elements as well as a lack of the omega-3 fatty acids that are absolutely necessary for the myelin sheath are possible factors... This can be diagnosed precisely in additional laboratory tests and treated with substances that are as natural as possible and can then contribute to a significant improvement in the condition and the course of the disease!

Apheresis or immunoadsorption has proven to be a safe, well-tolerated and effective treatment for MS flare-ups during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Almost all multiple sclerosis (MS) basic medications are contraindicated during pregnancy and should usually be discontinued once you want to have children. Steroids (cortisone) are only administered after strict consideration for relapse therapy in the 1st trimester due to possible teratogenic effects, among other things. For this reason, relapse therapy is often not carried out at all, with relevant short- or long-term consequences for the patient. Immunoadsorption has already been used successfully in steroid-refractory MS attacks. During immunoadsorption (colloquially known as "blood washing"), the blood plasma slides over an adsorber (filter), is freed of immunoglobulins and immune complexes and reinfused. The main advantages of immunoadsorption compared to plasma exchange are the selectivity of the adsorption and the better tolerability, among other things, due to the lack of need for administration of a foreign protein solution. The associated risk of an allergic reaction and the, albeit low, risk of pathogen transmission are eliminated. We use a modern apheresis device in our practice. A sterile trypthophan disposable adsorber, which binds the immune complexes, is used for every treatment. A treatment lasts around 2-3 hours, with 4 to 6 sessions usually required, for example on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. The treatment is carried out under specialist medical supervision and ongoing support by trained staff. The treatment takes place in a quiet and comfortable single room. It should be noted that for successful treatment, the presence of two large-bore and easy-to-puncture veins (preferably in the area of the inside of the elbow) is a prerequisite.